
Title Genuv Teams With Celltrion to Develop Novel mAb Treatments / Genuv Embarks on Mouse Platform Business 2023-03-15

Genuv Inc., a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on drug discovery, and Celltrion, a leading global biopharmaceutical company, have entered into a partnership to jointly discover and develop novel therapeutic antibodies using Genuv's proprietary SHINE MOUSE platform.

The partnership underscores Celltrion’s commitment to best-in-class or first-in-class antibody therapies and affirms Genuv’s expertise in innovative drug discovery. Under the terms of agreement, Genuv will conduct antibody discovery service using the SHINE MOUSE technology to be followed by research collaboration. If Celltrion exercises its option for joint research and development projects, the agreed milestones are: development milestones up to $25 million followed by total commercial milestones up to $680 million in case of accumulated $7.5 billion sales of per candidate antibody.



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