GENUV (former, Shine Biopharam) featured in the Korea Economic Daily. Excerpt translation is as below.
Kim & Chang, MEDIPOST, DNALINK … These are the companies that Sungho Han, CEO of Shine Biopharma (“ShineBio”), worked for the past 10 years. Her experience in these companies became valuable assets in starting a biotech startup. ShineBio was founded in March 2016. Compared to other bio-venture companies which are usually based on its own original technology, ShineBio’s business model is to find biotechnologies that has huge potential, develop the asset, and then transfer it to big pharmaceutical companies.
When ShineBio started out, it didn’t have its own technology. However, Sungho Han, who always had an aspiration to develop new drugs, decided to start her own company because she believed that other factors such as translational research, patent, etc. are as important as the technology itself in commercializing new drugs. No matter how great your technology might be, in order to transfer that technology to big pharmaceutical companies, globallevel research data and patents are imperative. Business network with multi-national corporations and the negotiation skills are also crucial. She thought that there is a chance of success when she could focus on these important matters while entrusting the research part to the scientists in Korea.
ShineBio’s drug candidate for the treatment for neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease) is based on the technology transferred from Prof. Kang-Yell Choi of Yonsei University. The key to this technology is activating the neural stem cells that exist in the patient’s brain by oral administration, instead of transplanting stem cells directly into the brain.
To view the original article in Korean, please click here.